Service Region
Hudson TowBoat is the authorized TowBoat US operator in NYC, North Jersey and the Lower Hudson Valley.
When you get stuck on the water, we are the ones you call. You can call or text us directly at 201-212-5100.
You can also call the TowBoat US Dispatch Center at 800-391-4869. A BoatUS Unlimited Towing Membership
is the best value & lowest-priced towing service available. Take TowBoatUS with you on the water! The region
below is the specific area that we directly cover. TowBoat US will cover you anywhere you boat in the US.
Hudson Towboat Service Region
New Jersey
Hudson River
Hackensack River
Passaic River
Greenwood Lake
Overpeck Creek
New York
Hudson River (up to Newburgh)
Harlem River
East River
Gowanus Bay
Spuyten Duyvil Creek

The area shaded in green is the specific region that Hudson TowBoat operates. The area shaded in yellow is
covered by other TowBoat US operators. The same membership covers you in all covered regions.